Sunday, May 24, 2009

Things I Have Learned After Having A Baby===A.K.A. I need to vent!

These are some things that have been on my mind lately...after having Ellis for over 6 months now! Wow I have a 6 month old!

~People should not tell women your going to be loosing your baby weight...Example...when I was ring shopping the lady suggested I not get a bigger size because I am going to lose weight....I had already lost it. Another example...your clothes are going to be fitting better....again I had already lost the baby weight. Instead, just you look matter where on the scale you think the lady falls.

~As a pregnant woman I did a lot of assuming...
-I thought I would never let my baby hang out in just a diaper, I do!
-I thought I would never let my baby in bed with me, I do every night. It is easy to nurse laying down going in and out of sleep.
-My goal was to wait a month before giving my breastfed baby a paci, I lasted four days.
-I thought it was gross when babies had crusty stuff on their face, my baby can frequently be found with dried rice cereal or sweet potatoes on his face. Maybe even a little booger.
- I thought I wouldn't talk baby talk and look like a fool, but I am a sucker for his smile and will do whatever it takes to see it.

~Earlier on in Ellis' life I told my sister-in-law that I would never give bibs to an expecting lady. This was because I had an insane amount, I should not have spoken so see at that point Ellis did not really need bibs. Now I get it-bibs are great...lots of bibs are great...unless you do laundry all the time.
-Other things I said in that conversation I would not recommend giving a pregnant lady are blankets, outfits for early on (3 months or younger), little shoes (they fall off), and of course things that are not on the registry!
-My favorite gift was practical things you know I will use...although it does not look pretty when you open it, not having to buy diapers has saved me a lot of money. I have enough shampoo to last Ellis until he is a toddler.

~People should not give new moms advice if they do not have children or have not had a baby in a while. Even if a non parent gives great is just annoying. If they have children but it has been a while then my advice would be to hold off on sharing advice, simply because times change...research is constantly taking place!

~Two Hours goes by so fast...I had no idea babies eat that often...this makes movies or TV shows, like Lost, very unrealistic.

~I lived in Mexico for a while I was pregnant, then I came home to register for baby items...lets just say seeing how babies survive in Mexico greatly affected what I thought I needed. I also talked to a lot of new moms and asked what could they live without. I have not regretted my decision to skip on some "must have" baby items.
-Things like: wipe warmers, playpens, sanitizers, food warmers,diaper genies (Wal-mart bags and an on top of it husband are cheaper), teething gels (I read it doesn't work), expensive paci clips, smock outfits, bottle warmers, and lots of other gizmos in Babies R Us.

~Ear thermometers do not work...just take the babies temperature the good ol' fashioned way...under the armpit. Sad fact to learn because someone gave me one, I used it, it didn't work, and then the doctor said yeah...they don't work.

~EVERY PARENT IS DIFFERENT AND EVERY BABY IS DIFFERENT...therefore no advice or comment is valid...even what I have just said might change or won't apply for someone else.


Anonymous said...

This post made me smile :)

The Farmers said...

Good post for us future moms!

[Hailes] said...

Hey I think I gave you that thermometer! Sorry I gave you a bum gift. Wah wah wah. Maybe it will work if Will is sick? =)