Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Holly and Jolly for Sure

This Christmas season has been a blast so far. We have had fun going to parties and spending extra time together as a family. The best part is that we have someone new to celebrate with. Mr. Thad!

We celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary. November 26th, 1999 God started something really special, a love that has grown into a family of four. We all went to the Melting Pot in Atlanta to celebrate what God has done in our lives.

Ellis has been into spotting Santa and is looking forward to sitting in his lap and saying, "Cheese!" Lately his favorite things to do are hide, "talk", and he has discovered that stools can allow him many more opportunities. He carries a stool around from room to room to see what he can get in to and climb on. He is a cutie...both of them are! We are working on realizing that not all gifts are for him and that he can't open just any gift. There are so many temptations under our tree (and everyone's tree for that matter)!

So far this season has been full of us just realizing how blessed we are. Thankful for our Savior Jesus Christ most of all...

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