Saturday, June 28, 2008


Well today was uneventful. All I have done is stay sick....I followed the doctor's orders and only got out of bed to go to the bathroom----I had no idea I would feel bad enough to actually want to follow those directions. We called the doctor again today because I started running a low (very low---don't panic) fever and I am cramping in my belly. She didn't seem too worried, so we are trying to stay calm and wait until the morning, which we are hoping I will feel much better.

Will went to the states for a little but and bought a air conditioner for our bigger room, he is very happy about this and I am happy for him.

Our group this week had some problems with their flight and are not coming in until 10:00 on Sunday, so God provided Will with less responsibilities so he can take care of me, which is nice since I am high maintenance these days.

Right now Will is at the staff meeting and I am doing the same ol' same ol'.

Love you all and I would defiantly appreciate your prayers.


Jennifer said...

Have enjoyed "catching up" w/ ya'll by reading this. So sorry you are sick! Praying for your health, sweet little baby, your marraige and your ministry.

Anonymous said...

I am so sad that you are sick Karan anne!!!
I will definitely pray for you! I hope it does not last long!
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Karan Anne - many prayers are being lifted up for you. I pray you are feeling much better today.
Much love to both you and Will. When I think back to you as a little child, I see "piglet"!!!!!! What an amazing lady you have become...proud of both you and Will.